Thursday 10 December 2015

Audience project

Environment Project

AAA Game Analysis

Target audience: What age group the game is aimed at.

High expectations: Most AAA games have a large fan base, most of which have high expectations for a game.

Concept/initial ideas: It is almost impossible to make a game without working on ideas and concept pieces.

Atmosphere: A games atmosphere is one of the most important things to get right, its responsible for most of the immersive aspect of a game.

Storyline: A game needs to have a captivating story line that keeps the players attention throughout the entire game.

Audience Project

Research into games with educational value

Spooky's house of jump scares

Although this game is not Education,it has lots of puzzle solving
it’s the style that interests me, as the further into the game you get
the harder and scarier it gets, as I am planning on doing a scary
historical game, for Primary school students I plan to keep it clean
and simple, taking the historic factor of the other games I have
researched and take the cute spooky style of course
(from the beginning of this game) and combine them together.

Valiant Hearts

Valiant hearts is a game that takes place during the great war, it
involves puzzle solving that is relatable to the real trials that men and women of the
great war had to overcome.
This game really does give you the feel of taking part in the Great war.
There is also an Educational factor in this game that people don’t really
tend to notice, the game features many Political decisions that took place as well as life
outside the trenches.
I think Valiant Hearts would be great for people of all ages, to learn about The Great War.

Sid Meiers Civilization

Sid Meier’s Civilization is a game that puts the player in charge of a nation, That is led
by a real life ruler or iconic person from history, the choices you make for your nation are
not historic at all, but the random events that occur and the time they do e.g. the creation
of the radio, the first mode of transportation are all true to history.
Even though you can start wars and forge your own history, I found it quite educational
during my time playing this game.

Game Ideas: 

1. Time travelling educational game (chosen game idea)

The game starts in a history classroom before a test.

You as the player has to go back in time using an old pocket watch, to the
moments in time to find the answers to the questions.

The further you get through the questions, the more it changes through

The game features key/revolutionary moments in time e.g. the Great War,
the invention of the Television.

The way you find the answers to the questions is by finding key
objects/people during the different scenarios through time  (click on them),
doing so will provide a fact/info on the object/person that helps you
answer the question.

The questions will be given to the player on a very basic/boring
looking test paper.

There will be an icon of a pocket watch in the bottom right, clicking
this will bring up a list of dates, using the question, the player will
need to determine which date to travel to using time travel.

To get back to modern day it’s as simple as using a return icon in the
same place that the pocket watch icon was.

2. History quiz 

This idea is much simpler than the previous, as it features less game play and focuses more on questions and visuals.

There are less game play mechanics, but this game is intended for younger children 3-6 years and features more simple bright colours.

The questions in this game will be multiple choice,

Mood Boards

I decided to look at very simplistic art styles of games, as this is for a younger audience.
I took a liking to the art style of Valiant hearts (bottom right) as it had a good way of expressing different characters/objects. though it is too detailed for my game idea, I thought it was good to look at none the less.

Here are some of the items I thought I might be including as my assets, I looked at things that most people would turn a blind eye to in history e.g. phones, TVs.

Genre research


The fantasy genre has been one of the most popular genres since the beginning of videogames themselves.
The sort of things you will see in a Fantasy game would be mythical monsters, magic, most games that use this genre tend to be based in an alternate reality, mostly based in the medieval time period.

Science Fiction (sci-fi)

Also another popular Genre, most games that incorporate the Sci-fi genre are set in outer space or the distant future, and feature spaceships, laser weaponry, robots.
Some games don't use these examples, instead they use other fictional forms of scientific marvels, such as airships, large machines, these would be known as Steampunk.

Here I am just looking at different shapes/textures of books that I can use as reference materiel for when I come to make my assets.
I looked at old, damaged books.

This is the type of school desk I plan on making as an asset, the lid of the desk will be animated.
I plan on making it clean, as the art style and colour scheme of my game idea, will not allow me much room to make it look weathered.

Some simple shelves to hold the books I plan on making, I am trying to limit most of the things I make to very simplistic shapes, as my skills in 3D modelling are still in need of improvement.

Plain Bookshelf, I kept this nice and simple as most of the detail was going to be put into the books, as they will add colour/detail to the bookshelf (this is not an asset by its self)

These are the books that are going on to the bookshelf, both of them combined will be one of my assets.

School desk (closed)

School desk (open)

Bookshelf with books

 An old television set


What I did well: 
I didn't go with very detailed models as I wasn't very confident in my 3D modelling abilities, if I went with detailed models then I wouldn't have had enough time to develop my skills far enough to complete the task.
I am proud of the simplistic art style that I adopted for my models, I feel it really works for a game with that certain age group.

What I could have improved:
I should have focused on capturing the 3D model creation piece by piece.
I could have widened my selection of research, I feel like I limited myself by looking at a particular time period.

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