Friday 12 June 2015

Presentation published in comic sans

Positions in the games industry

There are many positions in the games design industry, here is a list.


Being responsible for for the key animation in a game, making best use of the game engines technology.

Assistant producer 

Working with a game's production staff to ensure the timely delivery of the highest quality product possible.

Audio engineer

Creating the soundtrack for a game, including music, sound effects, character voices, spoken instructions etc...

Creative director

Being responsible for the overall look and feel of a computer game.
Viewing over high level decisions that affect how the game plays, looks or sounds.
Ensuring the quality and style of the gameplay, artwork, music and audio assets.

Lead artist 

Being responsible for the overall look of a game.
Developing the games visual style and directing the production of all art throughout the games development.
Managing the art team and animation team.

Level editor 

Creating interactive levels for a segment of a game, including the landscape, buildings and objects.

Marketing Executive

Marketing Executives promote their employers products or services or raise peoples awareness of a

Presentation skills

When Presenting a piece of work for example, you need to have a clear idea of what your talking about, and be confident in the work you have produced. Make sure you are prepared to answer questions from peers. 

Having good presentation skills can build confidence, but in order to have confidence you need to be organised and prepared to present your work in front of others. 

Preparation: Rehearsal is one of the best ways to prepare for a presentation, as if you know what your going to say and when your going to say it, there are going to be better results. 

What not to do: Don't just stand there in a static pose and read off the word with your back turned to the audience. Don't ramble on for so long that the audience loose interest, you need to keep them interested.

Top 5 things to do:

1. Rehearse 
2. Body Language 
3. Confidence 
4. Stay calm
5. Keep the audience interested.

Communication skills

Communication skills are one of the most important skills you can have, allowing you to hold a good conversation, or in a debate, you would be able to convince people that your point is valid.

A quick list of the different kinds of Communication:

Spoken/verbal: Face-to-face or via telephone or other ways you can verbally interact with people.

Non-Verbal: This can be done via body language or gestures.

Written: Letters or via e-mail, any written form of message.

Visualisations: Logo's, graphs and other forms of visualisations that communicate messages.

Many of these communication types are needed, for example someone who is deaf, and hasn't had the chance to learn to speak, can use sign language which is a form of non verbal communication. Many large companies, can't talk to everyone at once in the means of advertising their product, so they use things like logos and billboards to get a message across to people, this would be using Visualisations.

Communication skills come in very useful, especially when it comes to finding a job, or in interviews. Employers are more likely to employ someone with a good communication skill rather than someone who doesn't.

Interview skills

Interviews are important, as they allow an employer to see meet the people applying and get to know them, as well as seeing his/her skills and qualifications. Most interviews go well and if multiple people applied for the same role/job then the one the Employer feels was better would get the job.

Before going to an interview, you will require some form of work or an example of previous projects, such as if you went to college, it would be a collection of your best work. A C.V is also required as it has a list of your strengths and qualifications.

For an interview dressing smart and professional, is required as most interviews are pretty much over before you even sit down, you have to impress the employer and show that you have the skills and requirements to work there, being nervous is fine in an interview as it shows that you care. Using good communication is also a must, as well as asking questions about the job.

In an interview you are expected to act professional but also just be yourself this allows the employer to get to know you. The employer is going to ask you questions, for example, why you want the job and what previous experience you've had in this field of work. You are also expected to shake the employers hand, the handshake needs to be firm and confident, but not too strong that you break there hand, but that is obvious.

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